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My Classroom

The goal of my classroom is be inclusive and a celebration of learning.  When students walk in I want them to see their work proudly displayed on the wall so they see what is valued in the classroom.  I encourage students to show their thinking visibly through different thinking routines which are then hung up around the room.

I believe that true understanding comes from being able to teach someone else.  Here is an example of a student teaching a peer how to find the prime factorization of a number.  It is one thing to be able to regurgitate a formula that is learned, but being able to explain how and why something works you are able to show a deep understanding.  Students are given opportunities daily to explain their thinking to others.

On most days in my classroom students are given opportunities to explore new content or ideas on their own and in groups.  I strive to set up situations where students can find answers on their own without teacher intervention and have that excitement of an "aha" moment!  By observing patterns, changes and experimenting students get to take on the role of mathematicians and scientists in my classroom.

In order to help keep learning authentic and engaging I try to let students take concepts and develop their own project to help demonstrate their knowledge.  In the picture on the right some students are finding the volume of our classroom after learning how to find the volume of tiny boxes.  I believe students should be out of their seats and moving around and discussing with each other as much as possible to help keep that educational spark alive!

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